New footbridge open at Chesham Moor

New footbridge open at Chesham Moor

We are very pleased to announce that following a visit by the Bucks Council Bridge Inspector and the removal of the metal fencing, the new Chesham Moor footbridge… is open!

We hope you enjoy the wider, safer structure and step-free access.

Crossing it gives you the opportunity to view the revitalised, more energetic channel, complete with meanders, woody material and gentler banks. And also gives you access to the new ‘beach’ which provides safe access to the river at the confluence. Although the works are almost complete, the site looks pretty raw and the ground is still very soft, which is why it is being fenced off over the winter – it all needs time to settle and vegetate.

Please don’t try to go beyond the wooden fencing, but instead watch from a distance how the waterflows shape the channel and how birds, like the white egret, explore the site. Wait quietly and you may see a water vole feeding in the in-channel vegetation near the beach or a brown trout in the main river – they are all there.

The contractors will be on site for another week while they finish off and tidy up the upstream section, but then it will be left for several months. In the spring the fencing will be removed and you’ll be able to fully enjoy your new channel.

This project has been made possible thanks to grants from the Heritage Lottery, DEFRA’s Access Fund and Chesham Town Council’s Mayoral Fund, and additional funding from Affinity Water Ltd. It was delivered by the Chiltern Chalk Stream Project.